Bartlomiej SiniarskiProfile page
Research Scientist
School of Computer Science
Orcid identifier0000-0001-8249-7652
- Research ScientistSchool of Computer Science
- University College Dublin, School of Computer Science
Bartlomiej Siniarski is currently a post doctoral researcher and a project manager for the EU H2020 SPATIAL project at University College Dublin. He completed his undergraduate studies in Computer Science at University College Dublin (Ireland) and University of New South Wales (Australia). He was awarded with a doctoral degree in 2018. He has a particular interest and experience in the design of the IoT networks and in particular collecting, storing and analysing data gathered from intelligent sensors. Furthermore, he was actively involved in MSCA-ITN-ETN, ICT-52-2020 and H2020-SU-DS-2020 projects which are focused on solving problems in the area of network security, performance and management in 5G and B5G networks.
- BAUniversity College Dublin
- PhDUniversity College Dublin