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Photo of Professor Cathal Brugha


Cathal Brugha

Emeritus Associate Professor (RTA)

School of Business

Orcid identifier0000-0002-7375-436X
  • Emeritus Associate Professor (RTA)
    School of Business
  • University College Dublin, School of Business, Quinn School of Business Belfield Dublin 4


Dr Cathal MacSwiney Brugha,
Professor Emeritus of Decision Analytics,
Adjunct Professor, Smurfit and Quinn
Schools of Business, University College Dublin
BSc, MSc (Mathematical Science – UCD)
PhD (Combinatorial Optimization - UCD)
President, Analytics Society of Ireland.
Fellow, Marketing Institute of Ireland.

Founder Director, UCD Centre for Business Analytics
Editor, IFORS Journal, International Transactions in Operational Research 2000 to 2006.

• Co-author of “Doing Business in China: The Irish Experience” (2010),
and “Doing Business With China, the Irish Advantage and Challenge” (2016).
• Visiting Professor, China Academy of Science in Beijing and Xidian University, Xi’an, China
• Honorary Professor at the Techno India University in Kolkata, India.
• Visiting Professor, University Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
• Nomology, the study of the decision processes of the mind, the structures or ‘covering laws’ that frame people’s thinking and provide commonalities between different fields, with applications as follows:
• Work-in-Progress: Book on decision-making for the general reader
• Decision Analytics: Developed and applied a method: Structured Multi-Criteria Decision-Making, which employs as tools: Direct-Interactive Structured-Criteria Utility-Scoring (DISCUS) and Direct-Interactive Structured-Criteria Relative-Intensity-Measurement (DISCRIM).
• Strategy Analytics: Developed and applied a method: the Priority Pointing Procedure (PPP).
• Governance Analytics: The use of common frames and metrics to bring efficiency and effectiveness to the development of infrastructures and the management of systems in governance, e.g. integrating five levels: United Nations, Europe, EU states, regions, and local authorities
Current Projects
• Governance Analytics: Autocracy, Democracy, Bureaucracy, to include also Panocracy
• Recollection, Reflection, Reconciliation and Inspiration
during the Centenary Commemorations of Irish Independence
• Community-Driven Health-Care: Dementia, Epidemics


  • BSc
    University College Dublin
  • MBA
    Trinity College Dublin
  • MSc
    University College Dublin
  • PhD
    University College Dublin