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Photo of Dr Mark Matthews


Mark Matthews

Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Computer Science

School of Computer Science

Orcid identifier0000-0001-8862-5141
  • Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Computer Science
    School of Computer Science
  • 017162476 (Work)
  • University College Dublin, School of Computer Science


My research investigates the interplay between wellbeing and technology, including how technology might be used to improve the lives of people with serious mental illness and how the design of technology impacts on critical factors related to mental health such as sleep-wake cycles and circadian rhythms. This work brings together cutting edge behaviour sensing, interaction design and machine learning to address serious challenges in mental health.


I have received over 10 million euro in research grant funding including from the European Union, National Institutes of Health (USA) and Medical Resarch Council (UK), and have raised over 30 million euro in venture funding to date. 


  • Chief Technology Officer
    Health Rhythms, New York, United States1 Jan 2016 - 1 May 2024


  • BA, English Literature (major) & Philosophy (TSM)
    Trinity College Dublin
  • Dip Stat, Diploma in Statistics
    Trinity College Dublin
  • MSc, Multimedia
    Dublin City University (DCU) IRL
  • PhD, PhD Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction)
    Trinity College Dublin


  • Marie Curie Research Scholar
    Cornell University, Information Science, Ithaca, United States1 Aug 2012 - 31 Jul 2015
    Postdoctoral FellowshipSupervised by Gay GG
  • Research Associate
    Cornell University, Information Science, Ithaca, United States1 Aug 2015 - 31 May 2017
    Mobile healthPostdoctoral ResearchSupervised by Choudhury TC


  • English
    Can read, write, speak, understand and peer review
  • French
    Can read, speak and understand